Colors...What are you?

Take this test!
You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!


Brittany said…
Isn't it so funny how those little quizzes can sometimes be so accurate! My life has been pretty crazy the last 6 years but it has finally started to settle down! (Thank goodness!) It would be good to see you sometime and catch up!
Unknown said…
Hay that is so you I love the color green by the way I cannot get enough of your puppy I can't wait to see all your cute dogs in March...Berlin will be in Heaven:)

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