
Showing posts from October, 2009

Girl's Weekend

This last weekend, Madison and I took a road trip to Sun Valley to meet some my girlfriends who helped me survive Grad School! All these girls live in Boise, so I don't get to see them often enough! We stayed the weekend at the lodge and enjoyed good food, fireplace, and gorgeous weather! Leslie and Madison Leslie, Jenny, and Me A night on the town...without Madison (ok, just dinner) Jenny and Teresa Leslie and Me Jenny's mom and sister came over from Carey to watch Madison so we could go to a nice dinner. Jenny's sister, Julie, brought her little daugher (3 months younger than Mads) with her. Andy was adorable and Madison was funny with her...just wanted to kiss(lick) her so bad. Andy just stared at Mads like she was crazy...and she is a little! Bed Time!!! Teresa cracking us up just before bed!

Pumpkin Patch Take Two

The pumpkin patch was so much fun, we had to go again. Sorry for all the pcitures. More pictures with Mad's awesome cousins.

Pumpkin Patch

Time to pick pumpkins. Mads and some cousins went to pick out thier pumpkins for this fall season. We went out to a patch that was really cute. The kids had a fun time going through the maze, sliding, and picking out pumpkins. Here are some pics to remember fun times with cousins.


Baby Mads is growing too fast...6 months and she is crawling and now standing...on hardwood. So if she falls, which she does, she bonks, but it doesn't slow her down. She is growing too fast. It makes me happy and sad all at the same time. I just need time to slow down. Time to baby proof the house I guess!
Today was Madison's 6 month checkup. So not much fun for her today after 3 shots and some yummy medicine they shove down her throat! are some of Madison's stats and things I need to write down so that I can remember Height: 26 1/2 inches (74%) Weight: 16 lb. 2 oz (52%) Favorite things: *She loves the computer, so I bought her one of her own so that my laptop could last a little longer; however, she still prefers mine. *She loves her baths and never stops kicking her legs, in or out of the bath (she is a splasher) *She loves being outside..too bad it is getting so cold! *She loves being around little kids...she always laughs at them. *She is loving all her new foods..except for bananas, those make her gag as soon as the spoon touches her tongue. *Speaking of tongue...hers is always out. Always pointed, she loves playing with her tongue. *She loves her soothie binkis *She has two different size eyes just like her mom *She does not enjoy being in the car or ...