Girl's Weekend

This last weekend, Madison and I took a road trip to Sun Valley to meet some my girlfriends who helped me survive Grad School! All these girls live in Boise, so I don't get to see them often enough! We stayed the weekend at the lodge and enjoyed good food, fireplace, and gorgeous weather!

Leslie and Madison

Leslie, Jenny, and Me

A night on the town...without Madison (ok, just dinner)

Jenny and Teresa

Leslie and Me

Jenny's mom and sister came over from Carey to watch Madison so we could go to a nice dinner. Jenny's sister, Julie, brought her little daugher (3 months younger than Mads) with her. Andy was adorable and Madison was funny with her...just wanted to kiss(lick) her so bad. Andy just stared at Mads like she was crazy...and she is a little!

Bed Time!!!

Teresa cracking us up just before bed!


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