25 Days of Christmas

Family Traditions

As it is our first Christmas with Madison, I have started a new tradition. I have been thinking about it for a few months, but then December all the sudden snuck up on me. I have been researching ideass for each of the 25 days in December, and I think I have the list together. This is not my favorite advent calender, I need to find a nice one...so if anyone has seen one, let me know. I am searching for one. A wood one. Anyway, I PLAN (does not mean it will actually happen) to document each day in December and then put together book for Madison of her first Christmas. So here goes it!


Jordyn Parry said…
That is a cute idea! They have some adorable (little) advent calendars at the mini Bazaar by the river- one is made from a mini muffin tin, really fun!
stacy h. said…
LOVE this! we are doing something similar. so cute.

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