BIGGER than I thought!
So Jakob and I have lived in our house for about 8 months and just discovered there was hardwood under our carpet in the bedroom...well with 5,672 dogs running around our house (and chewing holes in the carpet) we thought that hardwood would be great. So we began pulling up the carpet. Yesterday, we had a floor guy come over to give an estimate of how much it would be to REFINISH the floors. He said we had fur floors which the wood is really to soft to have as a hardwood floor. CRAP!!! I mean, we were thinking this would not be a big deal and we could easily pay to have it done, but to buy all new hardwood...well with spring coming and vacations and whatnot, we just don't have new hardwoods in our budget, but we have ruined our carpet. So Jake and I went to Lowes last night and bought some pergo! Jake now has the task of pulling up all the carpet and junk and putting the pergo down. What a mess it is at our house, but I know we will enjoy the finished project. Who knows how long it will take though. I am not much help, but I am a good sweeper and try to keep things clean. The dogs just run through it and spread all the debris around the house. What great helpers they are. So this is shaping up to be a bigger project than initially anticipated. The greatness of home ownership I say! :)