Alright...so I have not been doing well at updating, but to tell you the truth, my life is pretty darn boring to be honest. The puppies have been a lot of fun lately....all playing together and actually getting to go outside a little more with the warmer weather. Here they are all begging for a dog treat from thier mama (down at bottom)...! The only time I can get them all focused enough at one time to snap a picture of all three. It is a difficult task becuase Henley is not only scared of his shadow...he is scared of a camera (yes for real). I am not sure what his deal is. 

Halley is growing like a weed...she is going to be a big little girl.
Well...On Feb. 20th, my mom turned 50. I don't have any pictures...(maybe becuase she does not want to remember), but it was a nice time. We had all her brothers and sister, neighbors, friends come over to celebrate. It was a good time.
The nephews have been playing basketball..and the oldest Brenden is really taking to it. He is a
good little player. Kolby is starting to catch on too, though I am wondering how much he likes it. He is more of a hardcore football fan. Dylan was fun to watch. He was pretty crazy and funny. Payed more attention to anything else besides the game. It was pretty cute to watch. Basketball season in now over..so I guess the next season is baseball which the boys are pretty good at too. That will be my next sporting event to attend.
So as for me...I am impatiently waiting for Spring. I have so many ideas for the yard...I can't wait to plant flowers and trees and shrubs, and have a little fire pit to roast some marshmallows...lay out in a hammock in the sun....oh I can't wait. I am sure no one else can either. This weather is really a downer. IN NEED OF SOME SUNSHINE PRONTO!
I am totally feeling you on going outside to do yard work.
Can't wait to see you!