
Showing posts from March, 2010
This last weekend, a bunch of us girls went down to Las Vegas for a weekend get away. It was a nice break from the weather, and a nice break from Idaho. Although Vegas is not my ideal vacation spot, it was a fun weekend. We all had matching shirts one day (odd perhaps, but fun), and it was funny to hear all the comments. some nice, some not so nice. Anyway, the first day, some of the group put together a pciture scavnger hunt, so that is what most pictures are. There are a couple of Madison in the hotel. she like sitting at the window and looking out at the fountains at the Bellagio and the rest of the strip. Good times.

Got my new shoes on!!!

Valentine's Day, Madison and I headed to my parents house to see family. My parents had a little gift for all the kids. Madison got a really cute outfit, and a new bib and...NEW SHOES. Too bad, they are too big right now. Madison and her cousin, Justin, fought over her red shoes. I got Madison a book about cute. We spent the evening reading the book. Valentine's has never been my favorite day, but Madison sure made this year better.