
Showing posts from 2010

Rigby Lake

Today we went to Rigby Lake with a bunch of friends and lot of kids.  It was fun being out in the sun, in the water, playing with cousins and friends, and getting out of the house.  Madison loved it! 


It was hot last Saturday and we spent most of the morning out working in the yard, so we decided to do a little Jamba.  Madison made a MESS but we had fun.  YUM!

Peek-A-Boo Mads


Busy Projects!!!

I have for so long wanted to redo the kitchen, but the bids for a BRAND NEW kitchen were just more than we could we painted. I think it looks awesome and it makes such a difference. I want to be in the kitchen now and it doesn't feel like a dungeon. Jake and I worked really hard this last weekend...and we are still working on one cupboard that is missing from the pic, but what a world of difference. We love it. New and Improved!

Fourth of July

Fireworks at home with mom and dad! Madison wasn't scared a bit. I don't know if she is scared of anything...which SCARES the stuff out of me!


Our House is on the case anyone you know is looking!

Lovin the Warm Weather!

This past weekend, I went and bought mads a little swing and slide. So it was so nice to have the weather to put it up and play. It was so cute. Mads want to help and she tried. It was fun to watch them put it together. Madison was so happy to work with her dad. Hopefully the weather continues to be nice so Madison can enjoyit. She loves to be outside.


Easter was a lot of fun this year. Madison was able to enjoy it more, although did not of course get the full concept. She was a blast anyway. The firt pictures, she is eating a whopper easter egg...all blue. my floor was covered with blue slobber. It was great! Then my mom had an Easter Egg Hunt with all the fun!
Checking the dough! Adding! Tasting~ Washing down some cookies!!! Cleaning up, filling up the dishwasher! Enjoying my first me-baked cookies!!!

First Haircut

After she turned one, Madison had her first haircut. I didn't think she really needed one, becuase she doesn't have much hair; however, Lisa trimed her bangs a little and cut some straggles off. It was funny. Then, she got to enjoy a sucker for the first time ever, coated with a little hair I am sure.
This last weekend, a bunch of us girls went down to Las Vegas for a weekend get away. It was a nice break from the weather, and a nice break from Idaho. Although Vegas is not my ideal vacation spot, it was a fun weekend. We all had matching shirts one day (odd perhaps, but fun), and it was funny to hear all the comments. some nice, some not so nice. Anyway, the first day, some of the group put together a pciture scavnger hunt, so that is what most pictures are. There are a couple of Madison in the hotel. she like sitting at the window and looking out at the fountains at the Bellagio and the rest of the strip. Good times.

Got my new shoes on!!!

Valentine's Day, Madison and I headed to my parents house to see family. My parents had a little gift for all the kids. Madison got a really cute outfit, and a new bib and...NEW SHOES. Too bad, they are too big right now. Madison and her cousin, Justin, fought over her red shoes. I got Madison a book about cute. We spent the evening reading the book. Valentine's has never been my favorite day, but Madison sure made this year better.