Lovin the Warm Weather!

This past weekend, I went and bought mads a little swing and slide. So it was so nice to have the weather to put it up and play. It was so cute. Mads want to help and she tried. It was fun to watch them put it together. Madison was so happy to work with her dad. Hopefully the weather continues to be nice so Madison can enjoyit. She loves to be outside.


Anonymous said…
Wow! She is just growing, and growing. What a sweet little girl. I bet she is loving her slide.
Court and Brade said…
hi!! first off, can't believe how much your little gal looks just like you!!! serious, i love it. second, i saw the necklace on Adi's blog that you made for her. i have been telling my hubs about those necklaces for months now and that i want one sometime!!! i LOOVVEE them and want one with my little coop boys name on it, and then for each additional kid.... when that time comes :) do you make them and sell them?? and if you do, for how much??? cause i would be very interested in maybe getting one!! let me know!
Unknown said…
Your daughter is getting too big I have missed out on so many milestones!! I need to see her NOW:)

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