First smile...does that mean she will be a happy baby?...Please oh please

I went in for a 3-d and 4-d ultrasound last Friday for fun. These are the pictures we got. She is smiling in cute. Poor girl looks like her mommy...round cheeks, big lips, piggy nose. Oh well...I guess so is life!


Michele said…
I love 3D pictures. She sure does look cute. I bet you can't wait to have her in your arms.
Skylette said…
Oh, so heart warming! You are getting so close, I can't wait for you to hold her in your arms!
Brittany said…
Those 3D ultrasounds are so cool! And she's adorable! Hope you are doing well!!
Challis said…
I think she looks amazing...
Anonymous said…
that is so sweet! she is going to be a doll!
m@R(! said…
Wow i can't believe she is smiling. that is so cute!
Jenny said…
As I told you earlier, I think she's cute. I like the nose. She definately looks like her momma.
Anonymous said…
wow that is crazy, i never got that option with my kids. How fun! Congrats again!
stacy h. said…
haylie, what a cutie! :) those pictures seriously amaze me. isn't it crazy how well you can see her? i bet you can't wait!
Unknown said…
That is SO cute I LOVED getting my 3-D ultrasound. She is just BEAUTIFUL!

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