Happy Father's Day

As we come to celebrate this father’s day, just as with mother’s day, I more truly understand the important role a father plays in his daughter’s life now that I have a daughter of my own. I see qualities in my own father that contributed to my growth into a woman that I want my daughter experience as well. My father was so supportive growing up. When I needed extra practice to become a better softball fast pitcher, he built me a big tire type swing to aim at which really helped me. He would be outside giving instructions on how to shoot a basketball a little better. He was always there to help me. It was always so important to me to have him at all my sporting events and he was. I don’t remember more than one that was missed, and the one he missed was due to weather. He was always there and would offer a positive word after a game.
My Dad is the hardest worker I have ever known. All growing up, and continuing to this day, he works a million times harder than he should to provide for his family. He has worked two jobs as long as I have been around. So although he was away all day, he was doing it for the good of his family. But he always knew when to take a break for games, recitals, or whatever was important in his daughter’s lives. He provided me and my sisters with a life full of great experiences like Disneyland, NBA basketball games, and family trips to the Grand Canyon/Las Vegas. We always had the things we needed, but because my dad worked/works so hard, we also had the things we wanted.
He continues these traditions with his seven grandchildren. They have new clothes, new bikes, vacations, and he rarely misses a game even though there are so many. He puts us up with all the family at his house playing the wii, stealing my mom to go shopping, always stealing his food, and just hanging out. The family tends to gravitate still to my parent’s house and I hope that never changes. It is so nice to be so close as we become older and grow in numbers.
I am so thankful for the experiences my dad provided and continues to provide. I owe so much to him that I will never be able to fully repay him. I hope my daughter experiences the love and support I did from my own father. Thanks for being MY father, and Madison’s grandfather. We love you! Happy Father’s Day.


Browning Buzz said…
Randy is such a great dad and guy!!
Jordyn Parry said…
Hi Haylie! You have such a cute blog! It was fun running in to you at Craigo's the other day, it's good to see ya!
Anonymous said…
i hated reading that just because it makes me miss your family even more. i love your dad!

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