4 Month Photo Session

I can't believe it! Madison had her four month pictures this Tuesday...my how time has flown. You really don't understand the meaning of that statement until you have a little one of your own. Madison was a little stinker for the session. She was tired becuase she had been up since 4 am and pictures were at 9. So it was just about the time she needed a nap. So needless to say, the majority of pictures taken, she has the scowl she inherited from her mother, but these sure turned out cute. The photographer caught a couple smiles!


m@R(! said…
wow you would have NEVER guessed she a stinker...they are soo cute!
Unknown said…
She is beautiful I LOVE the pictures!
Anonymous said…
what a doll! they turned out so cute!
Meradith said…
These pictures are awesome!! I love her chubby little face!
Jennifer said…
Those are super cute what a beautiful baby girl you have!
Anonymous said…
man she is just beautiful!
she is so adorable!! those cheeks!! great photos!
Skylette said…
Oh my gosh, those eyes are beautiful!

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