Today was Madison's 6 month checkup. So not much fun for her today after 3 shots and some yummy medicine they shove down her throat! are some of Madison's stats and things I need to write down so that I can remember
Height: 26 1/2 inches (74%)
Weight: 16 lb. 2 oz (52%)

Favorite things:
*She loves the computer, so I bought her one of her own so that my laptop could last a little longer; however, she still prefers mine.
*She loves her baths and never stops kicking her legs, in or out of the bath (she is a splasher)
*She loves being outside..too bad it is getting so cold! *She loves being around little kids...she always laughs at them.
*She is loving all her new foods..except for bananas, those make her gag as soon as the spoon touches her tongue.
*Speaking of tongue...hers is always out. Always pointed, she loves playing with her tongue. *She loves her soothie binkis
*She has two different size eyes just like her mom
*She does not enjoy being in the car or the car seat, she rather be sitting up
*Her mom has decided for her that she loves minnie mouse and owns a lot of stuff
*Mads always smiles when her mommy sings her a song
*She always laughs when her mom or dad dance for her
*She is the cutest most beautiful perfect angel I have ever seen

First Smile: May 8, 2009
First Marathon: May 9, 2009
Rolling Over: SHOOT I can't remember
First Airplane Ride: August 30, 2009 to Destin Florida
First Beach Vacation: August 30, 2009
Sitting up: September 5, 2009
Crawling: October 1,2009
First Tooth: October 18, 2009 (bottom right/middle, left one close behind)
Pulling herself to stand: October 2009
First Boise State Football game: October 3rd

Here is a clip for Grandma and Grandpa of Mads crawling around. It is on our hard wood so it is not quite as easy for her as the carpet...but she gets to where she wants no matter where she is!


Jenny said…
I love how you put down first BSU football game. Can you remember your first BSU game? Mads is growing up so fast.
Amanda said…
I can't believe she's 6 months already . . . AND CRAWLING! I am not ready for that stage! She's doing so great!
m@R(! said…
she is adorable and i can't believe she is CRAWLING! she is going to be Tall...lucky.

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