HAPPY B-Day Jakob

Yesterday, March 4th was Jakob's birthday. We both had to work all day which is a bummer, but we went to Garcia's for dinner...yes they made him wear the sombreo. After filling ourselves with yummy Mexcian food, we headed home. He thought the night was over, but at 7:45 the doorbell rang and all 13 family members were stuffed in my house. Jake had already put on his pj's becuase it was a long day and he was tired. So here he is in his jamies with all the family. I wish his family could have been here, but they live too far away, fut my family fills the house easily. So we had some ice cream cake, like we had any room in our stomachs from dinner, but we ate in non-the-less. I am not as talented as Brandi, nor did I have any time on my hands to make him a cake. Funny, two years ago was the day that we met. We went on our first date on his birthday. We spend the evening making a cake and dancing with my roomies in the kitchen. So two years since we met and what a crazy ride. Here is to many more! Happy Birthday Jake!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday Jakob! Well, it sounds like he had a good birthday. Its nice to have family around to help celebrate!
Skylette said…
Hey Haylie! Although I don't know you're hubby, I'll wish him a happy birthday too! :) Looks like all is well and the two of you are very happy together. Send me an e-mail at shawkes@amfam.com
so I can send you an invite to my blog!
Brittany said…
Oh I love birthdays! You get all the good stuff - cake, ice cream, and presents! Happy birthday to your hubby!!

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