So I do not like to put Madison down. I just reasure every second with her, so if she is not in her car seat, or the bathtub, I often have her in my arms. And my house is paying for it. So I finally had to bath the dogs today, and so Madison tried out her swing. She looks so cute in it, and she actually really likes it. But I better go, I gotta go hold her! :)


Browning Buzz said…
Cute!That's okay that you hold her a lot -- they say you can never spoil a baby! :)
You're such a cute mommy!!! I'm so glad that you love your daughter so much and you can't put her down. She's one lucky girl. :)
Brittany said…
She is so sweet! Not to mention ADORABLE! Love all that dark hair!
Michele said…
Babies are so much fun. You have an adorable little girl.
Anonymous said…
Very cute, she is getting so big!
Unknown said…
Okay you daughter is so beautiful I hope I can see her in person soon. I will call you the next time I'm in IF. SO cute!

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