Icing on the Cake!
So DARN IDAHO...I was in my class last night...and come out at 8:45 to find my car covered in snow and the wind blowing like crazy, snow flying in my face. My sisters and I were going to my mom's just down the street to show her our wonderful artistry, but my gas light was on so I made a quick stop in the blizzzzard to get some gas. Then to my suprise...my car would not start...it is only an 2006 so not that old. I could have screamed. So here I am stuck in the snowy blizard at a gas pump on 17th with a dead battery or something. Both Jake and my dad were working at this time so I had to pull my dad out of work...bless his heart...to come rescue me. It was so nice of him. He waited patiently with me for some jumper cables to get the car to my mom's. Today I am borrowing one of her extra cars....thanks MOM! Love you! so that my life can carry on as usual. It would have been much better had it not been freezing and snowing...that was the icing on the cake last night. Oh well...new day right...just can't wait to get my car back and running.